Source code for pybayes.filters

# Copyright (c) 2010 Matej Laitl <>
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or any
# later version of the license, at your option.

This module contains Bayesian filters.

All classes from this module are currently imported to top-level pybayes module,
so instead of ``from pybayes.filters import KalmanFilter`` you can type ``from
pybayes import KalmanFilter``.

from copy import deepcopy
from math import exp

from numpy import empty

from .wrappers import _linalg as linalg
from .wrappers import _numpy as np
from .pdfs import CPdf, Pdf, GaussPdf, EmpPdf, MarginalizedEmpPdf

[docs]class Filter(object): """Abstract prototype of a bayesian filter."""
[docs] def bayes(self, yt, cond = None): """Perform approximate or exact bayes rule. :param yt: observation at time t :type yt: 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param cond: condition at time t. Exact meaning is defined by each filter :type cond: 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: always returns True (see :meth:`posterior` to get posterior density) """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must implement this method")
[docs] def posterior(self): """Return posterior probability density funcion (:class:`~pybayes.pdfs.CPdf`). :return: posterior density :rtype: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.Pdf` *Filter implementations may decide to return a reference to their work pdf - it is not safe to modify it in any way, doing so may leave the filter in undefined state.* """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes must implement this method")
[docs] def evidence_log(self, yt): """Return the logarithm of *evidence* function (also known as *marginal likelihood*) evaluated in point yt. :param yt: point which to evaluate the evidence in :type yt: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :rtype: double This is typically computed after :meth:`bayes` with the same observation: >>> filter.bayes(yt) >>> log_likelihood = filter.evidence_log(yt) """ raise NotImplementedError("Derived classes should implement this method, if feasible")
[docs]class KalmanFilter(Filter): r"""Implementation of standard Kalman filter. **cond** in :meth:`bayes` is interpreted as control (intervention) input :math:`u_t` to the system. Kalman filter forms *optimal Bayesian solution* for the following system: .. math:: x_t &= A_t x_{t-1} + B_t u_t + v_{t-1} \quad \quad A_t \in \mathbb{R}^{n,n} \;\; B_t \in \mathbb{R}^{n,k} \;\; \;\; n \in \mathbb{N} \;\; k \in \mathbb{N}_0 \text{ (may be zero)} \\ y_t &= C_t x_t + D_t u_t + w_t \quad \quad \quad \;\; C_t \in \mathbb{R}^{j,n} \;\; D_t \in \mathbb{R}^{j,k} \;\; j \in \mathbb{N} \;\; j \leq n where :math:`x_t \in \mathbb{R}^n` is hidden state vector, :math:`y_t \in \mathbb{R}^j` is observation vector and :math:`u_t \in \mathbb{R}^k` is control vector. :math:`v_t` is normally distributed zero-mean process noise with covariance matrix :math:`Q_t`, :math:`w_t` is normally distributed zero-mean observation noise with covariance matrix :math:`R_t`. Additionally, intial pdf (**state_pdf**) has to be Gaussian. """
[docs] def __init__(self, A, B = None, C = None, D = None, Q = None, R = None, state_pdf = None): r"""Initialise Kalman filter. :param A: process model matrix :math:`A_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>` :type A: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param B: process control model matrix :math:`B_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>`; may be None or unspecified for control-less systems :type B: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param C: observation model matrix :math:`C_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>`; must be full-ranked :type C: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param D: observation control model matrix :math:`D_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>`; may be None or unspecified for control-less systems :type D: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param Q: process noise covariance matrix :math:`Q_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>`; must be positive definite :type Q: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param R: observation noise covariance matrix :math:`R_t` from :class:`class description <KalmanFilter>`; must be positive definite :type R: 2D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param state_pdf: initial state pdf; this object is referenced and used throughout whole life of KalmanFilter, so it is not safe to reuse state pdf for other purposes :type state_pdf: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.GaussPdf` All matrices can be time-varying - you can modify or replace all above stated matrices providing that you don't change their shape and all constraints still hold. On the other hand, you **should not modify state_pdf** unless you really know what you are doing. >>> # initialise control-less Kalman filter: >>> kf = pb.KalmanFilter(A=np.array([[1.]]), C=np.array([[1.]]), Q=np.array([[0.7]]), R=np.array([[0.3]]), state_pdf=pb.GaussPdf(...)) """ # check type of pdf if not isinstance(state_pdf, GaussPdf): raise TypeError("state_pdf must be (a subclass of) GaussPdf") # check type of input arrays matrices = {"A":A, "B":B, "C":C, "D":D, "Q":Q, "R":R} for name in matrices: matrix = matrices[name] if name == 'B' and matrix is None: # we allow B to be unspecified continue if name == 'D' and matrix is None: # we allow D to be unspecified continue if matrix.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("{0} must have 2 dimensions (forming a matrix) {1} given".format( name, matrix.ndim)) # remember vector shapes self.n = state_pdf.shape() # dimension of state vector self.k = 0 if B is None else B.shape[1] # dimension of control vector self.j = C.shape[0] # dimension of observation vector # dict of required matrice shapes (sizes) shapes = { "A":(self.n, self.n), "B":(self.n, self.k), "C":(self.j, self.n), "D":(self.j, self.k), "Q":(self.n, self.n), "R":(self.j, self.j) } # check input matrix sizes for name in matrices: matrix = matrices[name] element_count = shapes[name][0] * shapes[name][1] if element_count == 0: assert(matrix is None) elif matrix.shape != shapes[name]: raise ValueError("Given shapes of state_pdf, B and C, matrix " + name + " must have shape " + str(shapes[name]) + ", " + str(matrix.shape) + " given") self.A, self.B, self.C, self.D, self.Q, self.R = A, B, C, D, Q, R self.P = state_pdf self.S = GaussPdf(np.array([0.]), np.array([[1.]])) # observation probability density function
def __copy__(self): # type(self) is used because this method may be called for a derived class ret = type(self).__new__(type(self)) ret.A = self.A ret.B = self.B ret.C = self.C ret.D = self.D ret.Q = self.Q ret.R = self.R ret.n = self.n ret.k = self.k ret.j = self.j ret.P = self.P ret.S = self.S return ret def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # type(self) is used because this method may be called for a derived class ret = type(self).__new__(type(self)) # numeric arrays: ret.A = self.A.copy() ret.B = None if self.B is None else self.B.copy() ret.C = self.C.copy() ret.D = None if self.B is None else self.D.copy() ret.Q = self.Q.copy() ret.R = self.R.copy() ret.n = self.n # no need to copy integers ret.k = self.k ret.j = self.j ret.P = deepcopy(self.P, memo) # GaussPdfs: ret.S = deepcopy(self.S, memo) return ret
[docs] def bayes(self, yt, cond = None): r"""Perform exact bayes rule. :param yt: observation at time t :type yt: 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param cond: control (intervention) vector at time t. May be unspecified if the filter is control-less. :type cond: 1D :class:`numpy.ndarray` :return: always returns True (see :meth:`~Filter.posterior` to get posterior density) """ if yt.ndim != 1 or yt.shape[0] != self.j: raise ValueError("yt must have shape {0}. ({1} given)".format((self.j,), (yt.shape[0],))) if self.k > 0: if cond is None or cond.shape[0] != self.k: raise ValueError("cond must have shape {0}. ({1} given)".format((self.k,), (cond.shape[0],))) else: if cond is not None: raise ValueError("cond must be None as k == 0") # predict = np.dot_mv(self.A, # prior state mean estimate if cond is not None: np.add_vv(, np.dot_mv(self.B, cond), # += self.B * cond # prior state covariance estimate: self.P.R = np.dot_mm(np.dot_mm(self.A, self.P.R), self.A.T) # self.P.R = self.A * self.P.R * self.A' np.add_mm(self.P.R, self.Q, self.P.R) # self.P.R += self.Q # data update np.dot_mv(self.C,, # prior observation mean estimate; = self.C * if cond is not None: np.add_vv(, np.dot_mv(self.D, cond), # += self.D * cond # prior observation covariance estimate: np.dot_mm(np.dot_mm(self.C, self.P.R), self.C.T, self.S.R) # self.S.R = self.C * self.P.R * self.C' np.add_mm(self.S.R, self.R, self.S.R) # self.S.R += self.R # kalman gain K = np.dot_mm(np.dot_mm(self.P.R, self.C.T), linalg.inv(self.S.R)) # update according to observation # posterior state mean estimate: np.add_vv(, np.dot_mv(K, np.subtract_vv(yt,, # += K * (yt - # posterior state covariance estimate: np.subtract_mm(self.P.R, np.dot_mm(np.dot_mm(K, self.C), self.P.R), self.P.R) # self.P.R -= K * self.C * self.P.R return True
def posterior(self): return self.P def evidence_log(self, yt): return self.S.eval_log(yt)
[docs]class ParticleFilter(Filter): r"""Standard particle filter (or SIR filter, SMC method) implementation with resampling and optional support for proposal density. Posterior pdf is represented using :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.EmpPdf` and takes following form: .. math:: p(x_t|y_{1:t}) = \sum_{i=1}^n \omega_i \delta ( x_t - x_t^{(i)} ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, n, init_pdf, p_xt_xtp, p_yt_xt, proposal = None): r"""Initialise particle filter. :param int n: number of particles :param init_pdf: either :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.EmpPdf` instance that will be used directly as a posterior (and should already have initial particles sampled) or any other probability density which initial particles are sampled from :type init_pdf: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.Pdf` :param p_xt_xtp: :math:`p(x_t|x_{t-1})` cpdf of state in *t* given state in *t-1* :type p_xt_xtp: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.CPdf` :param p_yt_xt: :math:`p(y_t|x_t)` cpdf of observation in *t* given state in *t* :type p_yt_xt: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.CPdf` :param proposal: (optional) a filter whose posterior will be used to sample particles in :meth:`bayes` from (and to correct their weights). More specifically, its :meth:`bayes <Filter.bayes>` :math:`\left(y_t, x_{t-1}^{(i)}\right)` method is called before sampling i-th particle. Each call to ``bayes()`` should therefore reset any effects of the previous call. :type proposal: :class:`Filter` """ if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1: raise TypeError("n must be a positive integer") if not isinstance(init_pdf, Pdf): raise TypeError("init_pdf must be an instance ot the Pdf class") if not isinstance(p_xt_xtp, CPdf) or not isinstance(p_yt_xt, CPdf): raise TypeError("both p_xt_xtp and p_yt_xt must be instances of the CPdf class") if proposal is not None and not isinstance(proposal, Filter): raise TypeError("proposal must by Filter instance") dim = init_pdf.shape() # dimension of state if p_xt_xtp.shape() != dim or p_xt_xtp.cond_shape() < dim: raise ValueError("Expected shape() and cond_shape() of p_xt_xtp will " + "be (respectively greater than) {0}; ({1}, {2}) given.".format(dim, p_xt_xtp.shape(), p_xt_xtp.cond_shape())) self.p_xt_xtp = p_xt_xtp if p_yt_xt.cond_shape() != dim: raise ValueError("Expected cond_shape() of p_yt_xt will be {0}; {1} given." .format(dim, p_yt_xt.cond_shape())) self.p_yt_xt = p_yt_xt if isinstance(init_pdf, EmpPdf): self.emp = init_pdf # use directly else: self.emp = EmpPdf(init_pdf.samples(n)) self.proposal = proposal
[docs] def bayes(self, yt, cond = None): r"""Perform Bayes rule for new measurement :math:`y_t`; *cond* is ignored. :param numpy.ndarray cond: optional condition that is passed to :math:`p(x_t|x_{t-1})` after :math:`x_{t-1}` so that is can be rewritten as: :math:`p(x_t|x_{t-1}, c)`. The algorithm is as follows: 1. generate new particles: :math:`x_t^{(i)} = \text{sample from } p(x_t^{(i)}|x_{t-1}^{(i)}) \quad \forall i` 2. recompute weights: :math:`\omega_i = p(y_t|x_t^{(i)}) \omega_i \quad \forall i` 3. normalise weights 4. resample particles """ for i in range(self.emp.particles.shape[0]): if self.proposal is not None: self.proposal.bayes(yt, self.emp.particles[i]) proposal_pdf = self.proposal.posterior() # gives unconditional Pdf, doesn't hurt x_tp = self.emp.particles[i] # we need to save previous particle in this case else: proposal_pdf = self.p_xt_xtp # naive (transition) proposal # generate new ith particle: self.emp.transition_using(i, proposal_pdf) # recompute ith weight: self.emp.weights[i] *= exp(self.p_yt_xt.eval_log(yt, self.emp.particles[i])) if self.proposal is not None: # non-naive proposal was used, corrent the weight self.emp.weights[i] *= exp(self.p_xt_xtp.eval_log(self.emp.particles[i], x_tp)) denom = exp(proposal_pdf.eval_log(self.emp.particles[i])) if denom > 0: self.emp.weights[i] /= denom else: self.emp.weights[i] = 0. # TODO: what to do in this case? # assure that weights are normalised self.emp.normalise_weights() # resample self.emp.resample() return True
def posterior(self): return self.emp
[docs]class MarginalizedParticleFilter(Filter): r"""Simple marginalized particle filter implementation. Assume that tha state vector :math:`x` can be divided into two parts :math:`x_t = (a_t, b_t)` and that the pdf representing the process model can be factorised as follows: .. math:: p(x_t|x_{t-1}) = p(a_t|a_{t-1}, b_t) p(b_t | b_{t-1}) and that the :math:`a_t` part (given :math:`b_t`) can be estimated with (a subbclass of) the :class:`KalmanFilter`. Such system may be suitable for the marginalized particle filter, whose posterior pdf takes the form .. math:: p &= \sum_{i=1}^n \omega_i p(a_t | y_{1:t}, b_{1:t}^{(i)}) \delta(b_t - b_t^{(i)}) \\ p(a_t | y_{1:t}, b_{1:t}^{(i)}) &\text{ is posterior pdf of i}^{th} \text{ Kalman filter} \\ \text{where } \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad b_t^{(i)} &\text{ is value of the (b part of the) i}^{th} \text{ particle} \\ \omega_i \geq 0 &\text{ is weight of the i}^{th} \text{ particle} \quad \sum \omega_i = 1 **Note:** currently :math:`b_t` is hard-coded to be process and observation noise covariance of the :math:`a_t` part. This will be changed soon and :math:`b_t` will be passed as condition to :meth:`KalmanFilter.bayes`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, n, init_pdf, p_bt_btp, kalman_args, kalman_class = KalmanFilter): r"""Initialise marginalized particle filter. :param int n: number of particles :param init_pdf: probability density which initial particles are sampled from. (both :math:`a_t` and :math:`b_t` parts) :type init_pdf: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.Pdf` :param p_bt_btp: :math:`p(b_t|b_{t-1})` cpdf of the (b part of the) state in *t* given state in *t-1* :type p_bt_btp: :class:`~pybayes.pdfs.CPdf` :param dict kalman_args: arguments for the Kalman filter, passed as dictionary; *state_pdf* key should not be speficied as it is supplied by the marginalized particle filter :param class kalman_class: class of the filter used for the :math:`a_t` part of the system; defaults to :class:`KalmanFilter` """ if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 1: raise TypeError("n must be a positive integer") if not isinstance(init_pdf, Pdf) or not isinstance(p_bt_btp, CPdf): raise TypeError("init_pdf must be a Pdf and p_bt_btp must be a CPdf") if not issubclass(kalman_class, KalmanFilter): raise TypeError("kalman_class must be a subclass (not an instance) of KalmanFilter") b_shape = p_bt_btp.shape() if p_bt_btp.cond_shape() != b_shape: raise ValueError("p_bt_btp's shape ({0}) and cond shape ({1}) must both be {2}".format( p_bt_btp.shape(), p_bt_btp.cond_shape(), b_shape)) self.p_bt_btp = p_bt_btp a_shape = init_pdf.shape() - b_shape # this will be removed when hardcoding Q,R into kalman filter will be removed kalman_args['Q'] = np.array([[-123.]]) kalman_args['R'] = np.array([[-494658.]]) # generate both initial parts of particles init_particles = init_pdf.samples(n) # create all Kalman filters first self.kalmans = empty(n, dtype=KalmanFilter) # array of references to Kalman filters gausses = empty(n, dtype=GaussPdf) # array of Kalman filter state pdfs for i in range(n): gausses[i] = GaussPdf(init_particles[i,0:a_shape], np.array([[1.]])) kalman_args['state_pdf'] = gausses[i] self.kalmans[i] = kalman_class(**kalman_args) # construct apost pdf. Important: reference to ith GaussPdf is shared between ith Kalman # filter's state_pdf and ith memp't gauss self.memp = MarginalizedEmpPdf(gausses, init_particles[:,a_shape:])
def __str__(self): ret = "" for i in range(self.kalmans.shape[0]): ret += " {0}: {1:0<5.3f} * {2} {3} kf.S: {4}\n".format(i, self.memp.weights[i], self.memp.gausses[i], self.memp.particles[i], self.kalmans[i].S) return ret[:-1] # trim the last newline
[docs] def bayes(self, yt, cond = None): r"""Perform Bayes rule for new measurement :math:`y_t`. Uses following algorithm: 1. generate new b parts of particles: :math:`b_t^{(i)} = \text{sample from } p(b_t^{(i)}|b_{t-1}^{(i)}) \quad \forall i` 2. :math:`\text{set } Q_i = b_t^{(i)} \quad R_i = b_t^{(i)}` where :math:`Q_i, R_i` is covariance of process (respectively observation) noise in ith Kalman filter. 3. perform Bayes rule for each Kalman filter using passed observation :math:`y_t` 4. recompute weights: :math:`\omega_i = p(y_t | y_{1:t-1}, b_t^{(i)}) \omega_i` where :math:`p(y_t | y_{1:t-1}, b_t^{(i)})` is *evidence* (*marginal likelihood*) pdf of ith Kalman filter. 5. normalise weights 6. resample particles """ for i in range(self.kalmans.shape[0]): # generate new b_t self.memp.particles[i] = self.p_bt_btp.sample(self.memp.particles[i]) # assign b_t to kalman filter # TODO: more general and correct apprach would be some kind of QRKalmanFilter that would # accept b_t in condition. This is planned in future. kalman = self.kalmans[i] kalman.Q[0,0] = self.memp.particles[i,0] kalman.R[0,0] = self.memp.particles[i,0] kalman.bayes(yt) self.memp.weights[i] *= exp(kalman.evidence_log(yt)) # make sure that weights are normalised self.memp.normalise_weights() # resample particles self._resample() return True
def _resample(self): indices = self.memp.get_resample_indices() np.reindex_vv(self.kalmans, indices) # resample kalman filters (makes references, not hard copies) np.reindex_mv(self.memp.particles, indices) # resample particles for i in range(self.kalmans.shape[0]): if indices[i] == i: # copy only when needed continue self.kalmans[i] = deepcopy(self.kalmans[i]) # we need to deep copy ith kalman self.memp.gausses[i] = self.kalmans[i].P # reassign reference to correct (new) state pdf self.memp.weights[:] = 1./self.kalmans.shape[0] # set weights to 1/n return True def posterior(self): return self.memp